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Pasquale-Paoli Community of Communes. Waste, skills, opposition the challenges of 2022 for the CCPP | Corsica Morning

It was surrounded by Vice-Presidents Jacques-André Tomasini , Jacques Costa , Nicolas Saliceti and François Acquaviva that Cathy Cognetti - who is acting President François Sargentini - unfolded the main topics that will occupy the CCPP in the months and years. coming.

Since its creation, the community has suffered from a structural backwardness and a lack of means which transform each subject into a headache. And, we now know, it always starts with waste.

READ ALSO. Pasquale-Paoli community of municipalities: waste, fees... The clarification of President François Sargentini

No new Reom increase

“It's our big problem, immediately recognizes Cathy Cognetti. The waste budget, every year, weighs down our finances. “However, we assure, with supporting figures, that there is better: “In 2019, we supplemented the waste budget with the general budget, up to €592,000. In 2020, there was a strong increase on the Syvadec side, which took us to €673,900. In 2021, our work began and we made savings. We fell to €429,000. In 2022, the forecast is up to €126,000. That's more than €300,000 difference. Where to find so much money? “We make savings on budget items, replies Cathy Cognetti. There was also the increase in Reom*, the full impact of which will be seen this year. While individuals were increased by €50, pros were reassessed. Result: “We went from €59,000 to €114,000 in revenue. This work has also made it possible to compensate for the tax revenue lost by the decline in the population in the territory**. As to whether to expect further increases this year, the answer is “no”.

However, savings still need to be made. Where ? "In operation, assures Jacques Costa, in fuel, staff..." In optimization too, and especially on waste collection. Thus the creation of a waste collection center in the Niolu to allow a change of load, is it a source of hope. François Acquaviva wants to be confident: “The land has been validated, the file should be completed this year. »

Communauté de communes pasquale-paoli. Déchets, compétences, opposition les enjeux de 2022 pour la CCPP | Corse Matin

Another pebble in the shoe of the com'com, its derogatory status which ended with 2021. And which has not, for the time being, been renewed. A letter was sent to the prefect “who praised our work and expects more explanations from us before deciding. We asked him to wait for our final balance sheet, in order to be able to give him the actual figures and the items of savings that we are going to make. »

“The services have recognized that we have gone from a situation which seemed blocked to a situation practically in balance, supports Nicolas Saliceti, and the prefect greeted him. He is aware that efforts have been made and, I think, in a good position to help us get to the end and a perfect balance. Everything has been redesigned and it will pay off. And if, despite everything, the status is not extended for a year, the executive of the interco appears confident, assuring that there would ultimately be little additional savings to be made to put the budget equilibrium.

Return powers to municipalities

The communities of communes must assume a certain number of competences and at the CCPP, it is that of waste which burdens all the others. It was therefore decided to make certain powers optional to the municipalities, "but not the most essential". Heritage management will go back into the purse of the mayors, "when the files in progress, for which we have the subsidies, will have been completed". Among them, the restoration of the chapels of Omessa, Calacuccia or even Sermanu. More quickly, the com'com will make the resorption of wild dumps, the treatment of wrecks, the policy of housing and the living environment, social and agriculture.

There is one, on the other hand, which is looming on the horizon and which has cause for concern, it is the water and sanitation competence, scheduled for 2026. At the CCPP, we have planned to make a motion "relayed within municipalities, to refuse this transfer". “But we still have to prepare, says Jacques-André Tomasini, and we are going to carry out a diagnosis. We must anticipate, it is imperative. »

In May will be organized “a conference of mayors on taxation”. But “before that, continues Cathy Cognetti, we are going to set up meetings in the different territories to listen to the expectations and needs of the mayors”.

To bring additional revenue into the coffers, there remains tourism: “We have enormous potential, but we cannot develop it. The management does not have big means because we cannot feed it more than that. But the health crisis has marked a return to the mountains and it is an asset that we must play. The tourist tax is increasing, with €37,000 in revenue compared to €20,000 expected.

Proposal more than opposition

The year 2021 has also seen over the months a group of “dissident” mayors, in opposition to many decisions made by the executive. A fact that has transformed each meeting of the community council into a giant argument.

“I would have preferred a group, not of opposition, but of proposal, supports Jacques Costa. Haven't they understood that we are all in the same boat? "" Contesting is one thing, resumes Jacques-André Tomasini, questioning decisions, that's another and it's unfounded because until today, and whatever people say, in the end, everything happened. It took readjustments, but everything passed to the control of legality which is sovereign in the matter. If there are other solutions, they offer. »

*Fee for the removal of household waste **The latest figures from INSEE reveal that between 2013 and 2018, the CCPP lost 110 inhabitants.

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