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EU presidency: the minimum wage in the social priorities of Emmanuel Macron

Parphilippe warrior |The |Pay legislation

France being president of the Council of the European Union on the first half of 2022, Emmanuel Macron wants to advance certain subjects such as the levels of wages at least.

With the start of the rotating presidency of France to the Council of the European Union, what is the roadmap on the social aspect?

En première ligne sur cet agenda, le Président de la République Emmanuel Macron a dévoilé le 9 décembre un programme semestriel qui détaille les priorités et les lignes directrices fixées pour cette période spéciale UE entre 1er janvier et le 30 juin 2022.

"We want to make Europe a great continent of production, innovation, and job creation (...) to do this, we must have an ability to produce, to have an economic response adapted to the exit fromWith a priority: we must have an obsession everywhere in Europe to create jobs and fight unemployment and particularly mass unemployment, ”says the President of the Republic.

He will present the priorities of his presidency within the EU before the European Parliament on January 19, 2022.

Pfue: the main points outlines on the social aspect

Minimal wage: a flagship subject of the PFUE

Présidence UE : le salaire minimum dans les priorités sociales d’Emmanuel Macron

On December 6, 2021, the EU Council decided today its position on a proposal from the European Commission concerning Union legislation relating to adequate minimum wages in the EU.

According to his approach, equitable wages - synonyms of decent standard of living - constitute one of the principles of the European base of social rights.

In order to improve living and working conditions, this bill establishes a framework aimed at promoting adequate levels of minimum legal wages and collective negotiations for the fixing of wages, as well as to improve effective access to theprotection offered by minimum wages for workers who are entitled to a minimum wage.

Knowing that policies, practices and levels are heterogeneous in Europe.

The idea therefore does not consist in creating a uniform "European minimum wage" but to find a point of convergence to shoot wages at least upwards.Thus, according to BFM TV, the minimum wages in EU on 2020 is between 312 euros for Bulgaria (low range) and 2141 euros for Luxembourg (high range).

Suddenly, in the position adopted on December 6, EU countries have set limits:

The file should go into the hands of the European Parliament by April 2022.

As an extension of this minimum wage debate, the European Commission wants to improve the conditions of workers on digital platforms.On December 9, 2021, she presented a proposal for a directive in this direction, which must be examined by the European Parliament and the Council.

New in early 2022: the minimum wage revalued in France

• Depuis du 1er janvier 2022, le Smic en France est revalorisé de 0,9 % (contre 0,99 % au 1er janvier 2021 puis 2,2 % en octobre 2021).

• Le nouveau montant du Smic brut horaire est porté à 10,57 euros (contre 10,48 euros depuis le 1er octobre 2021) soit 1603,12 euros mensuels sur la base de la durée légale du travail de 35 heures hebdomadaires.

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