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How to reconcile professional life and work -study student?

In partnership with the GES network - alternation is an increasingly popular choice by students.Indeed, in addition to the significant experience that this type of training allows you to acquire, it is also a good way to discover the professional world and to finance your studies.But how can we coincide this professional life and her student life without being overwhelmed?

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The first thing to do is to establish a specific schedule.And even if your memory is excellent, it is imperative that this planning is noted, black on white, somewhere.Whether on your computer, phone or paper agenda, you must be able to consult it and complete it at any time to allow you to eliminate the non -urgent tasks of your mind and not to forget them.

Which leads to the second point of this organization: the working method.There is no perfect method, everyone has his own.And the more you adapt it to your profile, the easier it will be to apply.The most important thing is to learn to prioritize your tasks so as not to feel overwhelmed.

»Read also - Register for our online event to find your alternation

A key word: the organization

Stephen Covey's method is particularly suitable here to serve as a basis.It consists in classifying your tasks in 4 categories:

• urgent and important: these tasks must be performed in priority

Comment concilier vie professionnelle et vie d’étudiant en alternance?

• Important but not urgent: note them in your agenda on a niche that will allow you to make them without being disturbed

• urgent but not important: in normal times, you should delegate.Here, try to go to the point by clearly redefining the needs

• Neither urgent nor important: note them in a section "For when I have time"

And finally, make assessments.Look at what you did and get some conclusions: Have I succeeded in my missions?What were my difficulties?Could I have done things differently?

In business, do not hesitate to list all your questions and ask them at regular points to your tutor: this will allow you to be more efficient and will show your determination to do better.A quality particularly appreciated in the professional world.

In school, make a point on what you understood or not and do not hesitate to turn to your teachers, the desire to learn and the desire to teach meet perfectly.

Take time to feed your passions

The main risk when your schedule is very busy is not to think about yourself.And yet it is essential for your success.Indeed, it is imperative to take time in order to feed your passions which may become essential soft skills.It is also a good time to give a little boost to your motivation, for example by challenging you or by setting new personal goals.

It is also very important to trace a very distinct line between your professional life and your student life.Above all, you should not neglect your studies for the benefit of a professionalization that would be too rapid, because the theory learned in progress is often essential to become an expert in your field.So do not hesitate to put yourself in "off" when you are in progress to focus your full attention on your learning.This is an essential point that Daniel Lemoine, Director of admissions and corporate relations at ESGI underlines: "Doing alternating studies requires relying on two legs that are school and business.If you neglect one of the two, at best, you go around in circles and you exhaust yourself, at worst, you fall ”.

And to add: "If it is exhilarating to receive a salary, it is essential not to forget that you have to work your lessons after your working days.Where colleagues are free once they leave their posts, alternating will have to resume what he learned in school and work on his projects.As a general rule, 1 hour of lessons request 1 hour to 1 hour and a half of personal work so be careful not to procrastinate ”.

If you are overwhelmed, do not panic

And in business, be curious, find out about the latest news, what's going on in your field.This precious information will be useful to you in your work and will show your investment.Finally, if despite everything you feel overwhelmed, do not panic.It happens to everyone and it is by no means immutable.Turn to a mentor, your tutor, a teacher who can help you.Or just take time to breathe with your family or friends, who will be your rock during all this adventure.

*This public-editorial content is offered to you by the GES network.The editorial staff of the Figaro did not participate in its design.

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