Info Consultor - Vaccination Strategy Made in McKinsey: an invoice at 10 million euros
Nine months after the information of McKinsey's mission to support the Ministry of Health in the deployment of COVVID vaccination revealed to the general public the important role played by consulting firms within the State, themagnitude of this mission is gradually becoming clear.
Because if twenty-eight contracts made between the Ministry of Health and seven cabinets (Accenture, CGI, Citwell, Deloitte, Jll, McKinsey and Roland Berger) between March 12, 2020 and February 9, 2021 for a total amount of 11.35million euros had been known since they had been made public by the deputy Les Républicains de l'Orne Véronique Louwagie in February, new documents update these figures.
Thus Véronique Louwagie was reporting on February 10, 2021 by 5.4 million euros including tax of strategy consulting missions."The most requested cabinet is McKinsey for an amount of four million euros," she said in the National Assembly.
The special rapporteur of the State Health Mission within the National Assembly Finance Committee which was Autosesey of the subject as authorized by the finance law, then knowledge of three McKinsey missions at the Ministryhealth.
A first, billed 3.2 million euros, is notified in the office on December 8, 2020.It relates to the support of the inter -ministerial team in the definition of a target strategy aimed at providing the entire French territory with doses of vaccines.
A second, billed 169,000 euros, is notified in the office on December 23.McKinsey must in particular ensure coordination between public health France (SPF), the agency under the supervision of the Ministry of Health, in particular in charge of epidemiological monitoring, and the Ministry of Health.
A third, billed 605,000 euros and notified to McKinsey on January 14, 2021, had, in line with the implementation of a strategic "control tower" with SPF.
An invoice at 10 million euros
Four million euros so.An invoice that has been significantly weighed down since.According to documents communicated by the Directorate General of Health in Anticor, two other invoices followed on the support of McKinsey to the ministry.One of 2.6 million euros for an order form dated March 9.Then an invoice of 2.9 million euros for an order form dated May 18.
Which in total bears McKinsey fees at 9.56 million euros.These missions were to mobilize about fifteen consultants in December and then up to twenty-five by the end of February, advanced the echoes in mid-January.When Politico estimated, in early February, that seven consultants and two cabinet partners were mobilized on the subject.
These McKinsey missions are involved as part of a vast public action transformation market of the French State between 2018 and 2022 worth 100 million euros.It had been allocated to twenty main and sixty-three specialist specialists on June 22, 2018 (reread our article).Lot 1 of this market focused on public strategy and policies and had a budget of 20 million euros.This batch had been awarded to the Boston Consulting Group (in pairs with Ey Advisory), Roland Berger (with Wavestone) and McKinsey (with Accenture).
The 9.56 million euros billed by McKinsey therefore represent 61 % of the Budget of Lot 1.They also represent 31 % of the 30.2 million euros which had been invoiced in February 2021 (reread our article) by all consulting firms in the State within the Framework of this multi -year market.
An appeal to McKinsey that sources within the ministry cited by Politico in February considered necessary.The latter mentioned staff for half in burnout as the workload and the pressure of the management of the pandemic were strong.
A final invoice?No answer yet clear to this question.On May 17, 2021, Les Échos had learned that the mission, which had already been extended in April, was again extended.Without knowing the exact term at this stage.In mid-August, we only learned that the Government Task Vaccinal Task Force "recognized the contribution of the McKinsey cabinet to help set up the necessary processes From the start" (reread our article).And on September 17, the government publicly displayed its satisfaction: the threshold of the 50 million primary vaccinés was exceeded.
For his part, Anticor continues his research on the documents received.The association's questions relate to the recurrence of purchase orders, their amount and the link deemed tenuous between a Framework market for transformation of public action and assistance missions to the deployment of the vaccination strategy.In this sense, the association could send additional requests to the administration in the coming weeks.
Benjamin Polle for Consultor.Fr
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