The Republic, history and principles | eduscol | Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports - Directorate General for School Education
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citizenship education - republican valuesmoral and civic education (discipline)The School's mission is to embody, bring to life and transmit to students the principles and values of the Republic. For this, it mobilizes all staff, school time and educational activities. Its project is based on the dual ambition of intellectual emancipation of students through knowledge and culture, and the construction of a democratic project based on commons understood, shared and respected by all.
Updated: November 2021News - New resources to transmit the values of the Republic to the School
The Republican Guide box
At the start of the 2021 school year, all schools, colleges and high schools will receive a box containing three books: the vademecum La laïcité at school, the collection L'idée republicaine and The Republic at school.
This set of reference documents should allow teaching and educational teams to appropriate, teach, defend and bring to life, at school or establishment level, the values that underpin our republican pact. .
The Republican Idea
The Conseil des sages de la laïcité asked specialists to define, in the light of their work and their respective disciplines, twenty-nine notions; he then put together an anthology of fundamental texts, in order to feed the thinking of teachers; and finally, it brought together the main texts of the laws which establish the republican principles.
The Republic at School
This work has been produced by all the disciplinary groups of the IGESR. Teachers of all disciplines are thus invited to consult this document to construct, if they wish, a session, or even a sequence, devoted to the transmission of the values of the Republic from a disciplinary anchor point. School teachers will find here the means of carrying out in a transdisciplinary manner the transmission of Republican values and principles at the heart of the moral and civic education program.
The vademecum “Secularism at school”
The vademecum (updated July 2021) constitutes a repository of situations for academic teams, schools and establishments. Developed jointly by the directorates of the Ministry of National Education, it presents practical sheets which address respect for secularism by students, staff, parents of students and external stakeholders and offer a legal analysis and advice. educational and pedagogical.
Training course “bringing the values of the Republic to life”
The course "bringing the values of the Republic to life" is a 2-hour self-training master's course intended for all education staff, accompanied by a 4-hour section intended specifically for teachers. It is organized around three principles:
Find out more about this training path and registerFind out more about this training path and registerDiscover the video presentation of the courseDiscover the video presentation of the courseA poster at your disposal
As part of the measures resulting from the law for a school of trust, the ministry provides schools, colleges and high schools with a poster representing the French and European flags, the motto of the Republic and the national anthem so that each class can have it and display it.
To consult on éduscol
Freedom of expression, a fundamental right Commemoration of the assassination of Professor Samuel PatyThe commemoration of the assassination of Samuel Paty will take place on Friday October 15. Schools and establishments will be able to organize a time of meditation and devote one hour of class to exchanges.
Equality and the fight against discrimination
Equality between girls and boys and prevention of gender-based and sexual violenceThe equality of girls and boys is still to be built at school. Respect for the opposite sex is a major objective of the educational approach.
Prevention of LGBTphobia Take action against racism and anti-SemitismSecularism
SecularismMoral and civic education
Moral and civic education - cycles 2, 3 and 4Support resources for moral and civic education in cycles 2, 3 and 4
Curriculum and Resources in Moral and Civic Education - GT Path Curriculum and Resources in Moral and Civic Education - Vocational PathThe citizen journey
The student's civic journeyThe forms
The attack on secularism formAn online form reserved for all National Education staff.
Online form “Values of the Republic”The form is reserved for all national education staff
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