Climate and Resilience Law: what to remember from the measures to fight against the artificialization of soils
Title V – Housing
Chapter III – Fighting against land take by adapting town planning rules
Section 1 Programming Provisions
Objective of halving the rate of land take (art. 191). "In order to achieve the national objective of no net artificialization of the soil by 2050", article 191 provides for the reduction by two of the rate of artificialization in the ten years following the date of promulgation of the law. The reference consumption at the national level is that observed over the ten years preceding this date. However, "these objectives are applied in a differentiated and territorialized manner", specifies the text.
Section 2 Other Provisions
Definition of land take and integration of the fight against land take in the town planning code (art.192). The fight against soil artificialization "with the objective of no net artificialization in the long term" is included in the list of objectives that public authorities must achieve in terms of urban planning. The law creates a new article L.101-2-1 of the town planning code which indicates that the achievement of this objective "results from the balance between: control of urban sprawl; urban renewal; optimization of the density of urbanized spaces; urban quality; the preservation and restoration of biodiversity and nature in the city; the protection of soils in natural, agricultural and forest areas; the renaturation of artificial soils". artificialization "as the lasting alteration of all or part of the ecological functions of a soil, in particular its biological, water and climatic functions, as well as its agronomic potential by its occupation or use". The renaturation of soil or disartificialization consists of "actions or operations to restore or improve the functionality of soil, having the effect of transforming artificialized soil into non-artificialized soil". Thus, "the net artificialization of the soil is defined as the balance of the artificialization and the renaturation of the soil observed on a perimeter and over a given period". In the planning and urban planning documents, which must provide for objectives reduction in the artificialization of soils or its rate, are considered as "artificialized a surface whose soils are either waterproofed due to the building or a coating, or stabilized and compacted, or made up of composite materials" and "not artificialized a surface either natural, bare or covered with water, or vegetated, constituting a natural habitat or used for cultivation". A Conseil d'Etat decree must set the conditions for the application of this article, by establishing "in particular a nomenclature of artificial soils as well as the scale at which the artificialization of soils must be assessed in the planning and management documents. town planning".
Bodies associated with the development of Scots (art.193). In addition to the joint transport unions and the public establishments responsible for drawing up, managing and approving bordering territorial coherence schemes, the territorial public establishments in the basin (EPTB) and those for the development and management of the water (Epage) are associated with the preparation of Scot.
Soil artificialization reduction trajectory (art.194). This long article first provides for the inclusion of zero net artificialisation (ZAN) in planning documents. The fight against the artificialization of soils is one of the medium and long-term objectives of the regional plans for development, sustainable development and equality of territories (Sraddet) and "results in a trajectory making it possible to achieve the absence of any net artificialisation of the soil as well as, in ten-year increments [from the promulgation of the law], by an objective of reducing the rate of artificialisation" "declined between the different parts of the regional territory". This same objective of ZAN appears, in the same terms as for the Sraddet, in the objectives defined for the plan for the development and sustainable development of Corsica (PADDUC), for the local urban plans (PLU) and for the projects of strategic planning (which replaced the planning and sustainable development projects) appended to the Scots. For the latter, the strategic development project sets quantified objectives for moderating the consumption of space and combating urban sprawl, in coherence with the other planning documents and "cannot foresee the opening to the urbanization of natural, agricultural or forest spaces only if it is justified, by means of a study of densification of the already urbanized zones, that the capacity to develop and build is already mobilized in the urbanized spaces". It must therefore take "into account the ability to effectively mobilize vacant premises, wasteland and already urbanized spaces" when developing, revising or modifying the PLU. The same goes for the communal map. The orientation and objective documents drawn up within the framework of the Scot decline the objective of ZAN by geographical sector, taking into account various local factors: the needs in terms of of housing and the obligations to produce social housing, the needs in terms of setting up economic activities, the land potential that can be mobilized in areas already urbanized and to be urbanized, the diversity of urban and rural territories and the strategies put in place to rural development, efforts to reduce the consumption of natural, agricultural and forest areas already made by the competent authorities in terms of town planning over the past twenty years and reflected in their town planning documents, development projects national or regional scope and projects of municipal or inter-municipal interest. “The consumption of natural, agricultural and forest spaces is understood as the creation or the effective extension of urbanized spaces on the territory concerned”, specifies the text. This definition excludes installations for the production of photovoltaic energy "provided that the methods of this installation allow it not to affect the ecological functions of the soil in the long term". If a Sradddet, the Padduc, a regional development plan or the master plan for the Île-de-France region (Sdrif) does not provide "a trajectory leading to the absence of any net artificialisation of the soil as well as, in ten-year tranches, an objective of reducing the rate of artificialisation", its evolution must be initiated within one year after the promulgation of the law and the modification must enter into force within two years. Consequently, the Scots or, in the absence thereof, the PLUs or documents in lieu of PLUs must be made consistent and incorporate this objective "during their first revision or modification" from the adoption of the revision or modification of the regional plans mentioned above and at most within five years after the promulgation of the law for a Scot and within six years for PLUs (and documents in lieu of PLUs). If the regional documents have not integrated the ZAN objectives within the planned timeframe, the Scots and the PLUs (or documents acting as PLUs) must initiate the integration of this objective of reducing the consumption of natural areas by half. , agricultural and forestry, compared to the actual consumption observed over the previous ten years, within ten years following the promulgation of this law (including through a simplified modification procedure). documents approved for less than ten years at the date of promulgation of the law and whose provisions provide for quantified objectives for reducing the consumption of natural spaces by at least one third compared to the actual consumption observed during the ten-year period preceding the end of the draft document, during its preparation or its last revision. of the sectors defined in article L.142-4 of the town planning code are suspended until the entry into force of the revised or modified plan. For the PLU or the communal card, "no planning authorization can be issued, in an area to be urbanized […] where constructions are authorized, until the entry into force of the local urban plan or the communal map thus modified or revised". The Scots prescribed before April 1 , 2021 must incorporate this objective of ZAN. As long as the competent authority which, before the enactment of the law, prescribed a procedure for the development or revision of one of the planning documents or mentioned above has not stopped the project or, when this document is a municipal map and as long as the decree opening the public inquiry has not been adopted, these provisions are binding on the document whose elaboration or revision has been prescribed. After the end of the project or after publication of the decree opening the public inquiry for the communal map, "the document whose elaboration or revision has been prescribed is exempt from compliance with [these] provisions [ which] become opposable to it immediately after its approval". authority "a proposal relating to the establishment of regional objectives for the reduction of net land take". It meets again no later than three years later to take stock of the integration and implementation of the objectives for reducing net land take and to draw up proposals for changes. Always within six months of As of the promulgation of the law, the government must submit to Parliament "a report proposing the necessary modifications in terms of the issuance of town planning permits, taxation of housing and construction as well as the legal system of taxation of the planning, land management tools and development tools available to local authorities to enable them to reconcile the implementation of objectives aimed at the absence of net artificialization and the objectives of controlling the costs of construction, production of housing and public control of land" as well as existing compensation mechanisms or those to be considered.
Reinforcement of the role of the CDPENAF (art.196). The Departmental Commission for the Preservation of Natural Agricultural and Forest Areas (CDPENAF) may ask to be consulted on any development or urban planning project or document, including local urban planning projects concerning municipalities included in the perimeter of the territory. 'a Scot approved after the promulgation of the future law for agriculture, food and forestry on October 13, 2014.
Identification of preferential areas for renaturation in town planning documents (art. 197). Scot's orientation and objectives document must identify "preferential areas for renaturation, by transforming artificial soils into non-artificial soils" in order to promote "maintenance of biodiversity and preservation or restoration in good condition ecological continuities and water resources". Similarly, the development and programming guidelines of the PLU can now relate to the renaturation of districts or sectors. Persons subject to an obligation to compensate for damage to biodiversity must "as a priority" implement them in areas preferential renaturation identified by the Scots and by the development and programming guidelines relating to sectors to be renatured. A Conseil d'Etat decree must specify the terms of application of these provisions.
National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (art. 198). The fight against land take is added to the missions of the National Agency for Territorial Cohesion (ANCT).
Provisional schedule of areas to be urbanized in the PLU (art. 199). The text created a new article L.151-6-1 of the town planning code which provides that "the planning and programming orientations define, in coherence with the sustainable planning and development project, a provisional timetable opening up the areas to be urbanized to urbanization and creating the equipment corresponding to each of them, if necessary". The opening to urbanization of an area to be urbanized which, in the six years following its creation (instead of nine years until then), has not been opened to urbanization or has not made the he object of significant land acquisitions by the municipality or the competent EPCI, directly or through a land operator, requires revision of the PLU. In addition, the change in the guidelines defined by the sustainable planning and development project is not a reason for revising a PLU in the process of being drawn up, revised or modified and whose projects were stopped before the enactment of the law. The reduction of a classified wooded area, an agricultural area or a natural and forest area is not possible for areas to be urbanized delimited by the regulations of a local urban plan adopted before January 1 . 2018" and must therefore go through a revision of the PLU if no significant land acquisition has been made for six years.
Reinforcement of the protection of biodiversity and ecological continuities in the PLU regulations (art. 200). A new article L. 151-6-2 of the town planning code is created. It provides that the planning and programming orientations (OAP) of the PLU "define, in coherence with the sustainable planning and development project of the Scots, the actions and operations necessary to highlight the ecological continuities". Article L.151-7 is amended accordingly and an addition to this last article specifies that the OAPs must also "define the actions and operations necessary to protect the urban and rural fringes" as well as "the conditions under which the projects of construction and development located on the edge of an agricultural space integrate a non-artificialized vegetated transition space between the agricultural spaces and the urbanized spaces, as well as the preferential location of this transition space".
Minimum share of non-waterproofed surfaces (art. 201). In municipalities belonging to a zone of continuous urbanization of more than 50,000 inhabitants appearing on the list of municipalities that can impose a tax on vacant housing and in towns with more than 15,000 inhabitants experiencing strong population growth subject to article 55 of the SRU law, the PLU regulations define, in the sectors it delimits, a minimum share of non-waterproofed or eco-developable surfaces. These provisions apply to projects subject to planning permission, "excluding projects for the renovation, rehabilitation or change of destination of existing buildings which do not entail any modification of the footprint".
"Permit to revegetate" (art. 202). An article L2125-1-1 is introduced in the general code of the property of the public persons in order to allow the delivery free of charge, by the municipal council, of authorizations of temporary occupation of the municipal public domain for legal persons of right public or private persons who participate in the development of nature in the city and meet an objective of public interest by installing and maintaining revegetation devices. Any loss of revenue is offset by an increase in the overall operating grant. A decree must still specify the terms of application of this article. In addition, the law has created a new article L.152-5-1 of the town planning code in order to facilitate, for the authorities competent to issue the building permit building, derogations from the rules of the PLU for the installation of greening systems on facades and roofs in urban areas and areas to be urbanised. A decree in Council of State must set the limits of these possible derogations
Evaluation of the Scot and the PLU (art. 203). The evaluation of the results obtained by the Scot, provided for in article L143-28 of the town planning code and which must take place six years at most after the deliberation on the approval, revision or maintenance in force of this plan, must now analyze the reduction in the rate of soil artificialization (which can be based on data from the housing and land observatory). Similarly, for the PLU, this evaluation must take place within six years (and no longer nine) after approval, modification or maintenance of the plan.
Housing and land observatories (art. 205). The role of housing and land observatories is specified. Set up no later than three years after the local housing program (PLH) was made enforceable, their "in particular mission is to analyze the situation of the land and real estate markets as well as the land supply available" in identifying building wasteland, vacant premises, sectors where the density of construction remains below the threshold resulting from the application of the rules of urban planning documents or can be optimized, sectors where the raising of existing buildings is possible, the urbanized sectors, non-waterproofed or eco-developable surfaces and, in urban areas, unbuilt spaces necessary to maintain ecological continuities. These observatories must report annually on the number of dwellings built in already urbanized areas and in areas open to urbanization. The EPCI's annual deliberation on the state of implementation of the PLH takes into account the analyzes of these observatories. Municipalities or EPCIs that do not have a PLH and are unable to set up such an observatory may conclude an agreement with the competent EPCI in terms of the nearest local housing plan, under the conditions that they determine. A decree in Council of State must determine the methods of application of these provisions, “in particular to specify the analyzes, the follow-ups and the censuses ensured by the observatories of the habitat and the land”. The article also adds to the missions of urban planning agencies the contribution to the establishment of housing and land observatories and ad hoc engineering support "as part of a partnership project contract for development or 'a territory revitalization operation agreement, on the territories which are located close to their scope of action'. Public land establishments and local public land establishments can also support local authorities in the creation of an observatory.
Local report on soil artificialization (art. 206). The law provides (new article L.2231-1 of the general code of local authorities) the presentation "at least once every three years" before the municipal council or the deliberative assembly of the EPCI equipped with a PLU (or a document serving as a PLU) a report on the artificialization of soils in the territory and which takes stock of the objectives in this area. This presentation is followed by a debate and a vote, in particular sent to the regional and departmental prefects and to the president of the regional council. A Conseil d'Etat decree will determine the conditions of application of this article, specifying in particular the indicators and data that must appear in the report as well as the conditions under which the State makes available to the communities concerned the data of the artificialization observatory.
Government report on soil artificialization (art. 207). At least once every five years, the government publishes a report on the evaluation of the policy to limit land take. This presents the development of land take over previous calendar years, reviews the law in the fight against land take and assesses the effectiveness of measures to reduce land take. It also assesses the effectiveness of the integration of land take reduction objectives in regional, municipal and inter-municipal planning and urban planning documents in order to reflect "the dynamics of territorialisation of these objectives committed at the the regions". It also reports on the financial resources mobilized by the State in favor of land recycling, the rehabilitation of buildings in urbanized areas and major public development operations and those allocated to public land establishments (EPF) in this area.
Building density in ZACs and GOUs (art. 208). In the concerted development zones (ZAC), the regulations may determine a minimum density of constructions, if necessary broken down by sector. Similarly, the act deciding on the qualification of major urban planning operation (GOU) fixes, in addition to the perimeter of the operation, "a minimum density of constructions, if necessary broken down by sector".
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Derogations from the PLU in the GOUs and ORTs (art. 209). The perimeters of the GOU and territorial revitalization operations (ORT) can benefit from derogations from the regulations of the local urban plan or the document in lieu thereof, just like the municipalities subject to the obligation provided for by article 55 of the SRU law or those that may introduce a tax on vacant premises. On these perimeters, the competent authority to issue the building permit can thus, by reasoned decision, "authorize an additional derogation of 15% from the rules relating to the size for constructions contributing to the quality of the living environment, by the creation of "outdoor spaces in continuity with the dwellings, ensuring a balance between built-up spaces and open spaces. This additional derogation cannot contribute to exceeding 50% of excess in total."
Height limitation of buildings in the PLU (art. 210). A new article L.152-5-2 of the town planning code provides that "taking into account the nature of the project and the location area, the competent authority to issue the building permit or take the decision on a prior declaration may authorize constructions demonstrating environmental exemplarity to derogate from the rules of local urban plans relating to height, in order to avoid introducing a limitation on the number of floors compared to another type of construction". A Conseil d'Etat decree will define the requirements that such a construction must satisfy.
Construction on a wasteland (s. 211). The new article L.152-6-2 of the town planning code provides that construction projects or works carried out on a wasteland "may be authorized, by reasoned decision of the authority competent to issue the town planning permit , to derogate from the rules relating to the gauge, within the limit of an increase of 30% of these rules, and from the obligations in terms of parking, when these constructions or works aim to allow the reuse of the said wasteland".
Experimentation with project certificates on brownfields (art. 212). "On an experimental basis and for a period of three years", the prefect of the department can draw up a project certificate at the request of a project leader entirely located on a wasteland and subject, for the realization of his project, to one or more several authorizations under the town planning code, the environment code, the construction and housing code, the rural and maritime fishing code, the forest code, the heritage code, the trade and mining code. The article specifies the content of this certificate (in particular the procedures applicable to the project, reminders of regulatory deadlines, etc.) and the procedures applicable in terms of authorisation, in particular town planning. A Conseil d'Etat decree must specify the conditions under which the project certificate application file will be presented to the prefect. scope and degree of precision of the information to be provided in the environmental impact study. These requests are, if necessary, transmitted to the competent administrative authority to rule and the decisions taken before the intervention of the project certificate are annexed to it. At the end of the trial period, the ministers responsible for town planning and the environment submit a report to parliament assessing the implementation of this article.
Missions of public land establishments (art. 213). The fight against urban sprawl and the limitation of soil artificialization are now part of the missions of state and local public land establishments.
Optimization of the use of urbanized spaces (art. 214). The search for the optimization of the use of spaces urbanized and to be urbanized becomes one of the objects of actions or development operations. A new article L300-1-1 of the town planning code also provides that "any action or development operation subject to environmental assessment" should be the subject of a feasibility study on the potential for development in renewable energies and a building density optimization study. A Conseil d'Etat decree must determine the procedures for taking the conclusions of these studies into account in the impact study provided for in article L.122-3 of the environment code.
Authorization for commercial exploitation (art. 215). In order not to be subject to authorization for commercial operation by way of derogation from article L.752-1 of the Commercial Code, projects to create or extend a retail store or a commercial complex of a sales area greater than 1,000 m 2 , changes in the business sector of a business with a sales area greater than 2,000 m 2 and the reopening of a retail store with a sales area greater than 2,500 m 2 three years after the end of its operation, planned in the sector of an ORT, must also not be considered as causing an artificialization of the soil. The departmental commission for commercial development cannot issue a commercial operating permit for a location or an extension that would lead to the artificialization of the soil, within the meaning of the new article L101-2-1 of the town planning code created by law. However, such an authorization may be issued for a project to create or extend a business or commercial complex of less than 10,000 m2 or brought to exceed this threshold by the construction of an extension of less than 1,000 m2. 2 , if the petitioner demonstrates, in support of the impact assessment, that his project fits into the continuity of the urbanized spaces in a sector with the appropriate type of urbanization, that it meets the needs of the territory and that it meets one of the following criteria: - the insertion of this project in the sector of intervention of an operation of revitalization of territory or in a priority district of the policy of the city; - its insertion in a development operation within an already urbanized area, in particular to promote the functional mix of the sector concerned; - compensation by transforming an artificial soil into non-artificial soil; - integration within a sector of peripheral implantation or of a centra ity identified in the orientation and objectives document of the Scot or within a zone of commercial activity delimited in the regulations of the local intermunicipal urban plan which entered into force before the publication of the law. Council of State must specify the methods of application of these provisions as well as the projects considered as generating an artificialization of the grounds.
Building permits for commercial equipment (art. 216). The artificialization of the soil generated by the construction of a commercial equipment project with an area of between 300 and 1,000 m 2 becomes a reason for referral to the departmental commission for commercial development by the mayor of a municipality of less of 20,000 inhabitants or the president of a competent EPCI.
Impact study (art. 217). The impact of a project subject to environmental authorization in terms of soil artificialisation becomes a factor to be taken into account in the impact study of development projects and works.
Installations classified for the protection of the environment (art. 218). Toute installation de type usines, ateliers, dépôts, chantiers et, d'une manière générale, les installations exploitées ou détenues par toute personne physique ou morale, publique ou privée, qui peuvent présenter des dangers ou des inconvénients pour l'utilisation économe des sols naturels, agricoles ou forestiers, est soumise aux obligations des installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement (ICPE).
Entrepôts logistiques à vocation commerciale (art. 219). Le document d'orientation et d'objectifs contenu dans le Scot doit désormais prendre en compte la logistique commerciale, outre les aménagements artisanaux et commerciaux. Il doit déterminer les conditions d'implantation des constructions commerciales et des constructions logistiques commerciales en fonction de leur surface, de leur impact sur l'artificialisation des sols et de leur impact sur les équilibres territoriaux, notamment au regard du développement du commerce de proximité, de la fréquence d'achat ou des flux générés par les personnes ou les marchandises, en privilégiant notamment la consommation économe de l'espace, la protection des sols naturels, agricoles et forestiers, l'utilisation prioritaire des surfaces vacantes et l'optimisation des surfaces consacrées au stationnement. Pour les équipements commerciaux, il porte également sur la desserte de ces équipements par les transports collectifs et leur accessibilité aux piétons et aux cyclistes ainsi que sur leur qualité environnementale, architecturale et paysagère, notamment au regard de la performance énergétique et de la gestion des eaux. Il localise également les secteurs d'implantation privilégiés pour les équipements logistiques commerciaux.Le contenu des OAP (défini à l'article L. 151-6 du code de l'urbanisme) est mis en cohérence avec des modifications apportées à celui du projet d'aménagement et de développement durables en matière de logistique. De même pour les Sraddet chargés de fixer les objectifs de moyen et long termes sur le territoire en matière de développement et de localisation des constructions logistiques, en tenant compte des flux de marchandises. Si cela n'est pas déjà le cas, la première révision ou modification engagée après l'entrée en vigueur de la loi devra tenir compte de ce nouvel objectif.
Zones d'activités économiques (art. 220). Un article L.318-8-2 du code de l'urbanisme prévoit que, tous les six ans, l'autorité compétente en matière de création, d'aménagement et de gestion des zones d'activités économiques établisse un inventaire foncier de celles situées sur le territoire sur lequel elle exerce cette compétence ainsi que de la vacance sur cette zone. Cet inventaire, qui doit être engagé dans l'année suivant la promulgation de la loi et finalisé dans les deux ans après cette publication, est transmis à l'autorité compétente en matière de Scot, de document d'urbanisme et de PLH. Dans les zones d'activité économique faisant l'objet d'un PPA ou d'une ORT, lorsque l'état de dégradation ou l'absence d'entretien par les propriétaires des locaux identifiés dans l'inventaire évoqué ci-dessus compromet la réalisation d'une opération d'aménagement ou de restructuration de la zone d'activité, le préfet de département, le maire, après avis du conseil municipal, ou le président de l'EPCI compétent, après avis de l'organe délibérant, peut mettre en demeure les propriétaires de procéder à la réhabilitation des locaux, terrains ou équipements concernés, selon le nouvel article L.300-8 du code de l'urbanisme. Si, dans un délai de trois mois, les propriétaires n'ont pas exprimé la volonté de se conformer à cette mise en demeure ou si les travaux de réhabilitation n'ont pas débuté dans un délai d'un an, une procédure d'expropriation peut être engagée, dans les conditions prévues par le code de l'expropriation pour cause d'utilité publique, au profit de l'État, de la commune, de l'EPCI ou d'un établissement public d'aménagement. Un décret en Conseil d'État doit préciser les conditions d'application de cet article.
Définition légale des friches (art. 222). Le nouvel article L.111-26 du code de l'urbanisme définit une friche comme "tout bien ou droit immobilier, bâti ou non bâti, inutilisé et dont l'état, la configuration ou l'occupation totale ou partielle ne permet pas un réemploi sans un aménagement ou des travaux préalables". Les modalités d'application de cet article sont fixées par décret.
Définition d'un usage et d'une réhabilitation de site (art. 223). Le nouvel article L.556-1 A du code de l'environnement définit l'usage comme "la fonction ou la ou les activités ayant cours ou envisagées pour un terrain ou un ensemble de terrains donnés, le sol de ces terrains ou les constructions et installations qui y sont implantées". Ces types d'usages seront définis par décret. "La réhabilitation d'un terrain est définie comme la mise en compatibilité de l'état des sols avec, d'une part, la protection des intérêts mentionnés à l'article L.511-1 du même code et d'autre part, l'usage futur envisagé pour le terrain".
Changement de destination d'un immeuble (art. 224). Un nouvel article L.122-1-1 du code de la construction et de l'habitation précise qu'à compter du 1 er janvier 2023, "préalablement aux travaux de construction d'un bâtiment, il est réalisé une étude du potentiel de changement de destination et d'évolution de celui-ci, y compris par sa surélévation". Ce document doit être remis au maître d'ouvrage qui transmet cette attestation aux services de l'État compétents dans le département avant le dépôt de la demande de permis de construire. Un décret en Conseil d'État doit déterminer les conditions d'application de cet article et prévoir notamment les catégories de bâtiments pour lesquelles cette étude doit être réalisée ainsi que le contenu de celle-ci. Le nouvel article L.126-35-1 du code de la construction et de l'habitation stipule, lui, que, préalablement aux travaux de démolition d'un bâtiment nécessitant la réalisation du diagnostic relatif à la gestion des déchets générés, le maître d'ouvrage est tenu de réaliser une étude évaluant le potentiel de changement de destination et d'évolution du bâtiment, y compris par sa surélévation. Cette étude est jointe au diagnostic. Un décret en Conseil d'État viendra déterminer le contenu de cette étude et préciser les compétences des personnes physiques ou morales chargées de sa réalisation.
Gestion des déchets de démolition ou de rénovation (art. 225). L'article L.126-34, introduit au livre Ier du code de la construction et de l'habitation, prévoit que, lors de travaux de démolition ou de rénovation significative de bâtiments, le maître d'ouvrage réalise un diagnostic relatif à la gestion des produits, matériaux et déchets issus de ces travaux. Ce document fournit les informations nécessaires relatives aux produits, matériaux et déchets en vue, en priorité, de leur réemploi ou, à défaut, de leur valorisation, en indiquant les filières de recyclage recommandées et comprend des orientations visant à assurer la traçabilité de ces produits, matériaux et déchets. En cas d'impossibilité de réemploi ou de valorisation, le diagnostic précise les modalités d'élimination des déchets. Un décret doit définir les conditions et les modalités de désignation des personnes chargées d'effectuer ce diagnostic ainsi que les modalités de publicité de ce document. Un autre texte réglementaire doit également définir les modalités d'application des articles L.126-26 à L.126-34, notamment pour déterminer les catégories de bâtiments et la nature des travaux de démolition ou de rénovation couverts par l'obligation de diagnostic, le contenu et les modalités de réalisation du diagnostic et les modalités de transmission des informations.Enfin, en conséquence de ces dispositions, l'article 51 de la loi du 10 février 2020 relative à la lutte contre le gaspillage et à l'économie circulaire est abrogé.
Rationalisation des procédures d'autorisation (art. 226). Le gouvernement est autorisé à prendre par ordonnance, dans un délai de neuf mois à compter de la promulgation de la loi, toutes mesures relevant du domaine de la loi afin de rationaliser les procédures d'autorisation, de planification et de consultation prévues au code de l'urbanisme et au code de l'environnement pour accélérer les projets sur des terrains déjà artificialisés, dans les périmètres d'ORT, de GOU ou d'opérations d'intérêt national. Cependant, ces mesures de rationalisation ne doivent pas avoir pour effet d'opérer des transferts de compétences entre les collectivités territoriales, leurs groupements ou l'État, ni de réduire les compétences des EPCI ou communes compétents en matière d'urbanisme, tempère le texte.
Chapitre IV – Lutter contre l'artificialisation des sols pour la protection des écosystèmes
Stratégie nationale des aires protégées (art.227). Le texte vise à codifier la stratégie nationale des aires protégées, publiée en janvier 2021 (voir notre article du 13 janvier 2021) et qui devra être actualisée tous les dix ans. Il intègre les deux principaux objectifs de la stratégie : classer 30% du territoire en aires protégées formant un réseau cohérent dont 10% sous "protection forte" d'ici 2030, sachant que "la surface totale ainsi que la surface sous protection forte atteintes par le réseau d'aires protégées ne peuvent être réduites entre deux actualisations".Le législateur précise encore que la "stratégie établit la liste des moyens humains et financiers nécessaires à la réalisation des missions et objectifs fixés" et qu'un décret viendra préciser "la définition et les modalités de mise en œuvre de la protection forte". "L'État encourage le déploiement de méthodes et de projets pouvant donner lieu à l'attribution de crédits carbone au titre du label bas carbone en faveur des aires protégées et des acteurs concourant à leur gestion", ajoute-t-il.
Inventaire du patrimoine naturel (art.228). Le rôle des maîtres d'ouvrage dans l'élaboration de l'inventaire du patrimoine naturel est précisé. Ainsi, les maîtres d'ouvrage, publics ou privés, des projets, plans, programmes ou autres documents de planification "contribuent à cet inventaire par la saisie ou, à défaut, par le versement des données brutes de biodiversité acquises à l'occasion des études d'évaluation réalisées préalablement à la décision d'autorisation, d'approbation ou de dérogation appliquée à leur projet, plan ou programme et à l'occasion des mesures de suivi des impacts environnementaux, notamment celles relevant des mesures d'évitement, de réduction ou de compensation […], réalisées après cette même décision". La disposition entrera en vigueur six mois après la promulgation de la loi.
Équipements pastoraux (art.229). Pour soutenir le pastoralisme, le texte vise à assouplir les obligations d'autofinancement imposées aux communes pour des travaux relatifs aux équipements pastoraux. Il s'agit ainsi d'améliorer l'équipement des alpages en cabanes pastorales pour faciliter la cohabitation entre les éleveurs, le pastoralisme et le loup.
Forêts (art.230). L'article 230 vise à créer, au profit du Conservatoire du littoral et des conservatoires d'espaces naturels, une dérogation permettant d'échapper au droit de préférence qui donne normalement une priorité aux propriétaires forestiers riverains en cas de mise en vente d'une parcelle boisée contiguë inférieure à 4 ha.
Lutte contre l'hyperfréquentation des sites touristiques (art.231). Le texte étend le pouvoir de police du maire et du préfet pour réguler l'accès aux espaces naturels, si une fréquentation touristique excessive entraîne des pressions écologiques trop fortes. "L'accès et la circulation des personnes, des véhicules et des animaux domestiques aux espaces protégés […] peuvent être réglementés ou interdits, par arrêté motivé, dès lors que cet accès est de nature à compromettre soit leur protection ou leur mise en valeur à des fins écologiques, agricoles, forestières, esthétiques, paysagères ou touristiques, soit la protection des espèces animales ou végétales", stipule le nouvel article L.360-1 du code de l'environnement. La loi interdit par ailleurs l'atterrissage d'aéronefs motorisés à des fins de loisirs dans les zones de montagne ainsi que la publicité, directe ou indirecte, de services faisant usage de cette pratique.
Parcs naturels régionaux (art.232). La loi proroge pour une durée de douze mois les décrets de classement des parcs naturels régionaux dont le terme vient à échéance avant le 31 décembre 2024.
Espaces naturels sensibles et droit de préemption (art.233 et 234). L'article 233 rétablit au profit des départements ou du Conservatoire du littoral le droit de préemption dont ils bénéficiaient à l'intérieur des zones sensibles antérieures à la création des espaces naturels sensibles. L'article 234 vise, lui, à octroyer aux départements, au Conservatoire du littoral ou aux autres titulaires du droit de préemption un droit de visite préalable à une éventuelle préemption dans le cadre de la politique de protection des espaces naturels sensibles. Il permet également aux titulaires de ce droit, notamment les conseils départementaux et le Conservatoire du littoral, de l'exercer dans le cadre de donations entre vifs. L'objectif est de limiter des ventes déguisées, qui pourraient être réalisées au moyen de donations fictives.
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