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Service "a call, an appointment" a new resource for parents whose child is sick

(Montreal) Montreal parents who wish to quickly consult a doctor for their sick child now have access to a new resource whose objective is in particular to unclog the emergencies of the two major pediatric hospitals in the metropolis.

Publié le 28 sept. 2021Jean-Benoit Legault La Presse Canadienne

The "A call, an appointment" service is aimed at children aged 0 to 16.

"The child will have access to a doctor, a pediatrician or a family doctor, who will be able to assess him in a short period of time through simple communication," summed up the director of professional services of the Sainte-Justine CHU,Doctor Marc Girard.

The number of time slots will be evaluated at six hundred that will be available.It is therefore intended that the parent whose child has a health problem which does not require an immediate consultation will be able to obtain an appointment within 24 to 48 hours.

The meeting offered will ideally be near the child's residence, if not a little further.

Service « Un appel, un rendez-vous»» Une nouvelle ressource pour les parents dont l'enfant est malade

This will also have the effect of familiarizing users with the 80 family medicine groups and the 350 medical clinics of the island of Montreal which should constitute the gateway to the network, so that the emergencies of Sainte-Justine and theMontreal Children's Hospital are reserved for the most serious cases.

“For about three weeks, we welcome 600 children every day in our emergency rooms, 300 each side [in Sainte-Justine and at the Montreal Children's Hospital], so there are 600 parents who, every day,decide to come to our emergency rooms to see a doctor, ”said Doctor Girard.

The new service will not supplant 811, but rather complete it.Nurses who respond to calls housed at 811 will have access to the time slots of "a call, an appointment" and will therefore be able to offer parents to see a doctor if they consider him relevant.

"A call, an appointment" is a meeting center, said Doctor Girard.Employees who respond to calls will not have the jurisdiction to judge whether it is appropriate to consult a doctor, a decision that will be left at the only discretion of the parents.

Parents of a sick child are often very worried, underlines Doctor Girard.In addition, the little patient's telephone assessment is often more complex than that of an adult who is able to describe his symptoms or answer questions, which explains why parents flock to the rooms.

"The observation is that the current need for the population is to have access to a doctor," he said.When they have the possibility of having access to their family doctor, it is the ideal world and that is what we want.But access to the family doctor is not always simple and often there is a delay.They have an appointment, but it is planned in [a few days], while there, we will offer a front door equivalent to an emergency room, but close to the home.»»

Le service « Un appel, un rendez-vous»» peut être rejoint au (514) 890-6111.It will be offered from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, Sunday and public holidays from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m..

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