Pasquale-Paoli Community of Communes. Waste, skills, opposition the challenges of 2022 for the CCPP | Corsica Morning Surrounded by Vice-Presidents Jacques-André Tomasini, Jacques Costa, Nicolas Saliceti and François Acquaviva, Cathy Cognetti - who is acting President François Sargentini - held ... 16/04/2022 1803 Views READ MORE
Secondary residences: "Our villages cannot become amusement parks that only exist during the holidays" From Brittany to Corsica via the Basque Country and the Hautes-Alpes, the same questions come up: how to regulate the installation of owners of second homes, who can create... 15/04/2022 1837 Views READ MORE
15,000 student job offers to be entered on "1 young person, 1 solution" ByEtienne Gless,published on September 10, 20213 minA novelty for the start of the 2021 school year: the government platform "1 young person, 1 solution" now offers student jobs lasting less than 15... 14/04/2022 1631 Views READ MORE
Aude - Lézignan-Corbières: the PCF proposes a vaccination strategy Gathered at the Lézignan vaccination center, where Rémi Pénavaire officiates as a retired doctor, the leaders of the Communist Party revealed their intention to be "force of proposal" for... 13/04/2022 1694 Views READ MORE
How to make a fresh start? 10 useful tips to improve your life or start from scratch! Are you unhappy with the way your life is going and have decided it's time to hit the restart button? Know that at the beginning of each year, everyone takes the d... 12/04/2022 1640 Views READ MORE
Self-test before Christmas: how much does it cost, how does it work, when to do it? Tick...Tick.Tick. New WhatsApp notifications in family conversation. "Did you hear Van Laethem? Are we doing a self-test for Friday?" "Good idea. Where else can we find some?" "He does... 11/04/2022 1646 Views READ MORE
I have no friends: 4 ways to feel less alone There are those who go on holiday in a herd and then there is you, who have the feeling of not having friends and of dealing with your loneliness. Our tips for being and feeling less safe... 10/04/2022 1773 Views READ MORE
Employment, training, poverty: the main objectives of the Twenty-Seven for a social Europe With the appearance of the Covid-19 pandemic on its soil, Europe is experiencing its most serious economic crisis since the Second World War. A crisis with devastating social consequences, although... 09/04/2022 1799 Views READ MORE
Covid-19: the state of health emergency declared in Reunion and “extended” in Martinique, announces Jean Castex LiveSociété,SantéA few days before the New Year festivities, the French government announced new measures to deal with the Omicron variant. The whole world is facing a wave... 08/04/2022 1810 Views READ MORE
Draw from the rule of Saint Augustine to taste happiness! Brief, simple, practical, can the Rule of Saint Augustine, which is the oldest monastic rule, significantly change everyone's daily life? Certainly. It gives keys to better living... 07/04/2022 1734 Views READ MORE
Voodoo, rum, Virgin Mary, magico-religious or when we talk about vaccination figures in the West Indies in the national media The health crisis which is accelerating in Martinique and Guadeloupe has been at the heart of information meetings on national channels for the past few days. Guests, qualified as experts, have, these... 06/04/2022 1851 Views READ MORE
In response to the "Manifesto against university dogma" Get the latest alerts from Le Devoir A group of students wrote a manifesto, published on January 30, in which they oppose what they call “university dogmatism”. Also members of the university community... 05/04/2022 1847 Views READ MORE
Kylian Mbappé: the generous scorer | The echoes You don't have to be a multinational or a Silicon Valley billionaire to start a foundation. Kylian Mbappé proves it. At almost 23, the Paris Saint-Germain prodigy has decided... 04/04/2022 1701 Views READ MORE
Flower bed - tips for arranging it and 55 unusual models Spring is approaching and we are spending more and more time outdoors. The revival of nature presents a real spectacle that each of us observes with admiration. For people who have... 03/04/2022 1636 Views READ MORE
Newsletter Burkina Faso: Lieutenant-Colonel Paul Henri Damiba begins consultations National television tells us that the president of the MPSR thus met yesterday, Tuesday January 25, 2022, with the military hierarchy and the secretaries general of the ministries to whom he... 02/04/2022 1892 Views READ MORE