January 26, 2020, the death of Kobe Bryant shocks the whole world Any NBA, basketball, and sports fan in general remembers what he was doing on Sunday, January 26, 2020, shortly after 8:30 p.m. Because it was on this date and at this time that we learned, there are two... 01/04/2022 1535 Views READ MORE
Going on an exchange: the exams to take - L'Etudiant ByGlobal-Exam, with the Student,published on October 20, 20213 minStudying abroad as part of an exchange involves mastering the language in which the courses will be taught. The universities... 31/03/2022 1643 Views READ MORE
Acquire the first mathematical tools | eduscol | Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports - Directorate General for School Education Where am I?kindergartensupport resourcescycle 1first degreebuild the first tools to structure your thinking (cycle 1) The area "Acquiring the first mathematical tools"... 30/03/2022 1665 Views READ MORE
Living your life in complete freedom: the secret of happiness Live according to your desires and desires to live happily Want to try your hand at licentiousness? Rest assured, you are not alone. Everyone lives their sexuality as they see fit. Each individual has... 29/03/2022 1523 Views READ MORE
The coat of arms of Grandvilliers illuminated in green to fight against school bullying The coat of arms of the town hall of Grandvilliers is illuminated in green, from November 15 to 19, 2021, to fight against school harassment. An initiative of the students of the Jules Verne high school.By Rédaction Neufch... 28/03/2022 1675 Views READ MORE
Decoration advice How to transform your attic into a living room CASE #1: You (or another person) use more than $this.View.AuthResponse.DeviceLimit devices and/or browsers at the same time →Sign out from devices and/or browsers you don't use... 27/03/2022 1612 Views READ MORE
3DS bill: what the deputies have changed Already registered?Forgot password?Invalid username and/or passwordWe did not recognize your email, please enter a valid email, used when creating your account.If... 26/03/2022 1712 Views READ MORE
How to write a good motivational email? - The Student Advantage: sending an application by email is quick. Disadvantage: it is fast... Sent with a simple click, facilitating a less academic language, the email should not make you forget the basics... 25/03/2022 1666 Views READ MORE
At the Châteaudun detention center: reintegration to "avoid the detainee, alone in the parking lot, after ten years in prison" The closed educational center of Dreux on the way to a reopening in 2022 It is the end of the morning in Châteaudun and the prison adviser for integration and probation (CPIP) ensures the permanence... 24/03/2022 1640 Views READ MORE
Agriculture in Brittany: workshops to discuss the realities on the ground AgricultureDecember 15, 2021 1 minute read Last October, we launched the general assembly of installation and transmission. This broad regional consultation aims to... 23/03/2022 1575 Views READ MORE
Yannick Agnel case: "I knew nothing about sex and love", the terrible testimony of his alleged victim © Christophe Clovis 1/12 -Yannick Agnel Several weeks after Yannick Agnel was indicted for the rape of a minor, the lawyers for his alleged victim speak outBy Lou Ducreux On December 11... 22/03/2022 1650 Views READ MORE
Tips to keep a healthy brain for all ages Tips to keep a healthy brain for the elderly and people of all ages A stimulated brain to stay healthy? (NC) Practicing healthy habits can help you live better. Not only do these habits contribute to overall good health, but they also have the benefit of reducing the risk of developing a... 21/03/2022 1639 Views READ MORE
X-Men, dice and collaboration: what more could you ask for in this board game? Calling all mutants, Professor Xavier needs your help! See you in the box of X-Men: Rise of the Mutants, our board game of the week. Few people know the s... 20/03/2022 1630 Views READ MORE
In Paris, 72 housing units (+ crèche and shops) signed ITAR Participating in the urban renewal of Boulevard Ney and Porte de Clignancourt 5Paris XVIIIe), the new building designed by ITAR (Ingrid Taillendier Architectures) and delivered in July 2020 operates... 19/03/2022 1714 Views READ MORE
Why and how to include real estate in life insurance? Real estate and life insurance go hand in hand more than ever. In this period of uncertainty, the French continue to favor stone, which shows all its resilience... and retains more than ever... 18/03/2022 1664 Views READ MORE