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The High Authority for Health recommends the vaccination of all infants against Meningitis B

The High Authority for Health (HAS) published an intermediate recommendation against invasive infections at Méningococcus B in January 2021 (new February 14, 2021).This included some adaptations of previous specific recommendations (opinion of the High Council for Public Health in 2013) and the generalized vaccination of children was not recommended.The intermediate opinion was then submitted to a public consultation in January-February 2021.Taking into account the 41 contributions collected during this consultation, mainly from associations of pediatricians but also from families victims of serious infections with meningococcal, changed the situation and justified a significant change in the intermediate recommendation: Thus, HASNow recommends vaccinating all infants against invasive meningococcal B infections with the BexSero vaccine.

The HAS also updated the vaccination recommendations against meningococcal infections with the Trumenba vaccine.But authorization to put the Trumenba vaccine on the market only making its use until the age of 10, the initial opinion has not evolved for this vaccine.

In addition to the elements provided during the intermediate recommendation, the main arguments in favor of the recommendation of universal vaccination of infants against meningococcus B are as follows:

La Haute Autorité de santé recommande la vaccination de tous les nourrissons contre la méningite B

Despite the decrease in the number of new cases of serious meningococcal B infection in recent years, these arguments have led the HAS to recommend bexsero vaccination of all infants.We consider that a child is an infant until age 23 months.

This generalized vaccination recommendation aims to promote possible personal protection of all infants who would persist until the age of 4 (according to the data available) and makes it possible to lift the financial barrier, which is one of the sources ofinequality of access to vaccination.

The simplified vaccination scheme of the BexSero vaccine in infants aged 2 to 5 months consists of a two -month -old first -time primovaccination, followed by a dose of recall between the age of 12 and 15 months with an intervalminus 6 months compared to the second dose.The integration of the vaccine in the vaccination calendar must still be discussed.

The HAS also recalls that vaccination does not exempt, for subjects contact case of invasive infection with meningococcus B, of antibiotic chemoprophylaxis which remains the most effective means of prevention of secondary cases.

In conclusion, it should be noted that the opinion of the HAS is advisory and that other opinions are expected.The HAS transparency commission must give its opinion on the management of the BexSero vaccine for this new recommendation.The Economic Health Products Committee (CEPS) is responsible for setting the price of the vaccine.HAS highlighted the high cost of this vaccination with regard to the collective profits expected and estimated, as such, that a sharp decrease in the price of the vaccine is legitimate.The ultimate decision to integrate vaccination against meningococcal B in the child's general vaccination calendar returns to the Ministry of Health.This vaccination would not be compulsory.

Source: High Authority for Health.

Sources et informations complémentaires

Disease: meningococcus B

Vaccines: Bexserto Trumenba

Disease: meningococcus B

Vaccines: Bexserto Trumenba

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