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Three lessons from Blessed Chiara Luce to go through the trials of life

Dead at the age of 18 of lightning cancer, the blessed Chiara Luce Badano can teach us how to survive crises - not only in major disasters, but also to the difficulties and trials of daily life.

At the age of 17, the blessed bone cancer was diagnosed at Blessed Chiara Luce Badano.However, the girl did not give up her arms.On the contrary, inhabited by striking joy, she used to comfort those who came to visit her.And at the time of dying on October 7, 1990, at the age of 18, she lived her death as a marriage to Jesus.Her last words were for her mother: "Mom, goodbye.Be happy because I am.Ciao!But how did she face trials and death?Here are three spiritual lessons from Chiara Luce Badano to help you go through the trials of life:

Lesson 1 Being prepared for crises

The "crises" take many forms: health problems, loss of a job, difficult relationships with others, injuries and emotions that result from it ... Each ordeal reveals the vulnerable points of the person who crosses it.The latter then becomes naked before God without being able to hide behind everyday rituals.Chiara's life shows that it is very important to be prepared to go through a "crisis".Engaged in the focolari movement since her childhood, she learned the gospel, as we learn the alphabet.Fascinated by the ideal of a complete union with Jesus, she then started the greatest adventure of her life, when she was only 9 years old.

The presence of Jesus became very quickly natural for her.One day, when her mother was worried about leaving her alone, she replied: "But I am not alone, Jesus is there".This is how with her friends of the movement, she was trying to live for Christ.It was essential for Chiara to have this experience of the presence of God, together, with his friends from the focolari.According to her, the best way to face an ordeal is to have your group, its community or simply close people with whom one can live the Gospel and discover together Jesus crucified.This is Chiara's first spiritual lesson to remember.

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Lesson 2se give time to say "yes"

Trois leçons de la bienheureuse Chiara Luce pour traverser les épreuves de la vie

As soon as Chiara felt strong shoulder pain during a tennis lesson, her life has radically changed.The marathon of medical consultations, exams and stays in the hospital no longer stopped.The diagnosis finally fell: Chiara suffered from bone cancer."When she finally got back from home to home, she seemed elsewhere," her mother said at the time.To her question what was the news, the girl answered her "not now, say nothing now".Then she collapsed on her bed, her eyes closed.It lasted 25 minutes.Then she turned to her mother saying smiling: "Now you can speak".

Chiara needed this inner combat time during which she definitively said "yes" to Jesus.These "25 minutes" were a turning point in his life.An inner breakthrough took place in it;His pain led her in the embrace of love.Accepting suffering is not easy for anyone.At one point, the pain becomes unbearable.But it is precisely at that time that the crossroads of the cross helps a lot.These are times when nothing else can help.Chiara's disease makes no sense, it is illogical and hurts terribly.It can not be helped.The question is whether we can wear the cross.Chiara shows that when we experience pain, it takes time - minutes, days, weeks, even months - to completely put the pain back to Jesus and say "yes" to him.And then, indeed, pain can turn into love.

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Lesson 3rece the strength of the relationship with Jesus

At the age of 12, Chiara wrote this sentence in her notebook: "The most important reality of this congress (from the Focolari movement, editor's note) was for me the discovery of Jesus abandoned.Previously, I had lived it in a fairly superficial way and I accepted it to regain joy.But, I understood that all this was wrong.I must not instrumentalize it, but love it and that's it ".This is precisely Chiara's third lesson: selfless love for abandoned Jesus.

During the passion, Jesus experiences the greatest abandonment and, at the same time, of the greatest love.The relationship with abandoned Jesus introduces man into the mystery of the most intimate and deepest love of God.Discovering this love, living every day gives strength in the face of life fights.Chiara knew how to give meaning at every moment of her life, including kissing death as a nuptial moment.She wanted to be buried in a white wedding dress, her funeral gathered dozens of people.The total abandonment of his life was precisely in his relationship with the abandoned Jesus.Every moment and each event was for her the occasion for a close relationship with abandoned Jesus.Nothing could separate her from the love of Christ.He was his only spouse.She often said to him, "For you, Jesus.If you want, I want it too ”.

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