After the shopping frenzy, real estate sales have slowed heavily since this summer
The |Major after the euphoria, brake on the real estate market.BFM Business reveals this Monday the latest figures from the Century 21 network.They show a very clear slowdown in sales in the 3rd trimester.And for good reason, prices reach new heights and prevent more and more candidates for purchase from being able to concretize their projects.
Has real estate become too expensive?This is in any case what the latest figures of the Century 21 network seem to show.Prices had never reached such heights.We tap the 3.900 euros (3.895 euros exactly)) from the m² on average in France for apartments, an increase of 7.3% over one year in the third quarter.Prices increase even 11% for houses to reach 2.356 euros per square meter.
In parallel and quite logically, the average amount of a transaction reaches a new record within the real estate network at 268.639 euros for houses and 229.533 euros for apartments.And to buy, you need more and more personal contribution: 13.1% on average the amount of the acquisition (compared to 10.2% in the first half of 2021)).
"Those under 30 and 30/40s see their proportion among buyers drop (respectively -11.5% and -6.3%)) indicating that it is essentially the Secundo -Academy who are pulling the game of the gameBy taking advantage of the capital gains generated by the sale of their previous accommodation ", underlines Century 21.
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— Logan Thompson Tue Dec 31 20:46:03 +0000 2013
The prices are soaring in Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
And it is in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region that prices increased the fastest (+31.2% for houses between the third quarter of 2020 and the third quarter of 2021)), followed by Brittany (+24%For houses and apartments)) and Normandy ( +19% for apartments, +14.5% for apartments)).Prices that fly away but that start to seriously slow down the market.Over the period from July to September, sales fell almost 18.8% over a year for houses and 10.6% for apartments.
Certainly, last year the same period benefited from a catch -up effect after the first confinement.But even compared to 2019, transactions further recede 5%.In Paris, the drop in volumes is more measured (-3.2% between 2020 and 2021)) while on the price side, we are now in the stabilization phase (-0.1% over a year according to Century 21)).The Parisian market returns to reason.This is evidenced by the average sales period which now reaches 75 days, 18 more days than last year.
"It's a pressure cooker the old real estate"
And he adds, reassuring: "It's a pressure cooker old real estate.When there is an excess, it purges.Once it's purged, it leaves quietly.Do not panic, it's a little cold stroke (...)).We risk having a slight correction at the end of the year which will be extremely healthy.It shows the sellers that you should not overestimate your property ".
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