Fuel price: a fiscal "gesture" for big rollers only, the "less bad options" for the government?
What new gesture towards purchasing power?Faced with fuel prices at the pump that have never been raised, Bruno Le Maire excluded Monday, January 24 on Franceinfo to lower taxation on fuels because "the French will not see the color".The Minister of Economy, on the other hand, said that "we can consider specific measures for those who have no choice but to go to work with their car".Clearly, this time, the government favors a tax gesture, targeted towards the big rollers.This is the only track studied at the moment seriously by Bercy, which concretely envisages a tax gesture in the form of a tax credit by raising the mileage scale.
What is it precisely?
Today, employees automatically benefit from a flat -rate deduction of 10% on their income tax.But if you drive a lot for your work, you can choose a tax deduction calculated on the basis of a kilometric package.This is the case, for example, commercial representatives or even home aid, whether they are employees or independent.The idea is therefore to raise the existing scale.Of how much ?"Too early to say" replies Bercy.
A total of two and a half million tax households will benefit from this measure, if it is retained.Its advantage: it would not cost public finances.Its disadvantage: it automatically excludes all French people who do not pay income tax, almost a household in two.
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It is in a way "the least bad options", according to the government, since it is not a question for him to lower fuel taxes, however, claimed by many consumer associations and proposed by many candidatespresidential.It costs too much to the state funds for a zero result in the event of a new increase in the price of a barrel, according to Bruno Le Maire.
No "check" before the elections
A boost of 100 euros has already been announced in the fall for 38 million households: this is the inflation indemnity, still being paid.A new check is therefore not on the agenda for a question of cost and electoral calendar: all boost must be validated by the Parliament within the framework of a corrective finance bill.
This measure of the recovery of the kilometric package studied at the moment is therefore an opportunity for the executive to show that it is mobilized for those who are strongly impacted by the increase in the price of fuels, but at the same time, "this measure,We do not oversee it, "confided a source within the executive to Franceinfo," because we know that his political gain will be limited ".
In recent days, the liter of unleaded has reached 1.69 euros on average, an increase of 3.3 cents compared to last week.
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