Gas conversion coefficient and M3 of gas by supplier
The gas conversion coefficient is a value index allowing to convert to KWH an amount of energy in a volume of gas consumed.In France, the consumption of gas measured by the meters is expressed in volume (M3)).However, the gas supplier needs to convert this quantity into energy (kWh)) to invoice consumers as accurately as possible.The natural gas conversion coefficient is subject to variations in time and geographic location.
What is the gas conversion coefficient: from M3 to KWH?
The gas meter measures the consumption of gas in M3, but on the gas bill, we note that the amount of energy is measured in kilowatt hours (kWh)).This conversion is possible thanks to the Gas conversion coefficient.
This thermal coefficient varies according to three factors:
Review of details on this important index for fixing the price of the M3 of gas in France.
Why convert the M3 of gas to kWh?The GRDF network manager has set up an average indicator - the gas conversion coefficient or thermal coefficient - to support the fixing of gas prices.This index will make it possible to convert the volume of gas measured by the meter in the quantity of energy (KWH)) that we can charge.
We can ask the question of this conversion, because indeed why apply the KWH index to natural gas as for electricity?It is simply happened that natural gas undergoes multiple variations which impact its composition and therefore the amount of energy - or calorific power - which constitutes it.A natural gas extracted on a particular deposit will not be the same in time and at a precise place of distribution.A simplification of the calculation method was therefore necessary, it is defined as:
Number of m3 consumed x conversion coefficient = number of kWh billed.
What does the gas conversion coefficient depend on?
The thermal coefficient can be different from one department to another in France.Why this variation?
The altitude of the delivery municipality
The altitude plays a decisive role in fixing the conversion coefficient.The higher we go up, the lower the atmospheric pressure is.However, the density of natural gas - or calorific power of natural gas - will tend to decrease under the effect of this decrease.The same natural gas distributed in the mountains will be less dense in energy, and will therefore have a conversion coefficient 10% lower than if it was distributed in an area at sea level.
Gas delivery pressure
Depending on the use of natural gas, the delivery pressure will be more or less important and will impact the value of the conversion coefficient.Indeed, for collective heating or professional uses, the delivery pressure (expressed in MBAR)) will be higher than for individual heating.And the thermal coefficient will follow this elevation.
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The composition of natural gas
In France, distributed natural gas is mainly of two types: gas B and H gas.
Gas B conversion to gas H The gas B is led to disappear soon, the Groningue deposit site in the Netherlands coming to stop these exports in 2029.The conversion of gas B to H gas includes a number of major changes for users in northern France.These changes are due to equipment that is not all compatible with this type of gas.The government has committed to the law of energy transition to bear the costs of adapting or replacing the devices (boilers, ovens etc..)).Funding will go through the establishment of a conversion check that will allow residential consumers to pay the replacement invoices.
The multiplicity of sources of production means that natural gas by its very nature is not homogeneous.This lack of homogeneity can create in time of variation factors impacting the price of gas per m3.
Variation factors
If the place of consumption and atmospheric pressure are known and cannot fluctuate over time, on the other hand the origins of natural gas yes.
As tackled above, gas production sites do not all enter the composition of gas H or gas B.They vary over time and this variability in the gas supply impacts the conversion coefficient;
To compensate for this variation, many measures are made by GRDF at different points of the distribution network in order to assess the average energy content of the distributed gas distributed.
Ainsi lors d’une relève de compteur GRDF applique un coefficient de conversion en faisant la moyenne de tous les coefficients déterminés chaque jour depuis les relevés de compteur de gaz précédents (index de début de période)) et le relevé de gaz en question (index de fin de période)).This new measurement index is sent directly to the gas supplier to be applied to the customer's gas bill.This explains that the conversion coefficient varies from one area to another, from one client to another, and even from one invoice to another.
However, these differences on the natural gas conversion coefficient are regulated and cannot exceed a range of average values.
Altitude | Fourchette de conversion |
Moins de 200 mètres | entre 9,2 et 10,2kWh/m3 |
Entre 200 et 400 mètres | entre 9,0 et 9,9 kWh/m3 |
Altitude | Fourchette de conversion |
Moins de 200 mètres | entre 10,3 et 12,4 kWh/m3 |
Entre 200 et 400 mètres | entre 10,1 et 12,1 kWh/m3 |
Entre 400 et 600 mètres | entre 9,9 et 11,8 kWh/m3 |
Entre 600 et 800 mètres | entre 9,6 et 11,5 kWh/m3 |
Entre 800 et 1000 mètres | entre 9,4 et 11,3 kWh/m3 |
Au-delà de 1000 mètres | entre 9,2 et 11,0 kWh/m3 |
Source GRDF.
Professional uses and collective heaters have greater pressures of approximately 300 Mbar.On average, GRDF announces values according to the type of gas:
On average, the conversion coefficient is calculated on the basis of an atmospheric pressure of 1013 MB for a temperature of 0 ° C and a delivery of gas in low pressure.The altitude of the municipality where the customer's accommodation is located will vary the calculated coefficient.On average, 1 m3 of natural gas is equivalent to 11 kWh.
How to pay for cheaper gas?Some suppliers offer discounts on the price of HT gas that can go up to 11%.To find out and subscribe to them, it is possible to contact Selectra at ☎️ 09 73 72 73 00.The service and the change of supplier are free, simple and guaranteed without cutting.
M3 price of gas
How much will the individual pay the M3 of gas on his invoice in the end?Because if we have just defined the gas conversion coefficient, other parameters are taken into account to establish the price of the kWh of gas:
Gas consumption classes
Consumption classes determine a price per kWh and subscription, function of use made of gas (heat, cooking, hot water)).
Natural gas tariff zones
6 pricing zones are distributed throughout French territory and each determine a price per kWh.According to the area of belonging, which depends on the difficulty and the length to convey energy from its storage place, the price per kWh will be different from one town to another.Some suppliers have created their own gas tariff zones, to better reflect their costs, but making the comparison of gas prices more difficult.
Comparison of natural gas offers at regulated prices and market offers
There are many factors in the calculation of gas price as we have just seen.It is therefore difficult to establish a fair comparison as the consumption profiles and the places of residential are different.However, the comparison below gives an idea to lower the gas bill by taking for example a gas heated accommodation, with an annual consumption or 6,000 and 30,000 kilowatt hours, or about 500 and 3500 meters cube cube.
Type de tarif/zone | Engie tarifs réglementés | Gaz Reference 2 ans | Direct Energie Online | ilek Prix indexésGaz bio de Benet | Eni Astucio Eco |
B1 zone 1 | 0.0873 € | 0.1112 € | - € | - € | 0.0773 € |
B1 zone 2 | 0.0880 € | 0.1120 € | - € | - € | 0.0780 € |
B1 zone 3 | 0.0887 € | 0.1140 € | - € | - € | 0.0788 € |
B1 zone 4 | 0.0894 € | 0.1164 € | - € | - € | 0.0795 € |
B1 zone 5 | 0.0902 € | 0.1188 € | - € | - € | 0.0803 € |
B1 zone 6 | 0.0909 € | 0.1211 € | - € | - € | 0.0810 € |
B1 zone G | N/A | 0.1224 € | N/A | N/A | N/A |
B1 zone H | N/A | 0.1228 € | N/A | N/A | N/A |
Pour obtenir plus d'information sur les fournisseurs et leurs offres, il est possible de contacter Selectraau ☎️ 09 73 72 73 00 (service gratuit)). |
Know your gas conversion coefficient
Where to find the KWH gas conversion coefficient which will serve as a basis for invoicing the energy supplier?
Who fixes the coefficient?
It is the manager of the gas distribution network, GRDF, who determines the natural gas conversion coefficient according to the place of residence and time.So whatever the chosen gas supplier as well as the price offer, the thermal coefficient will be identical.
Where to find the coefficient applied in your city?
To estimate which conversion coefficient is applied in the town where we live, the consumer can use the application set up by GRDF.This tool allows you to know the coefficient of your city as well as the maximum and minimum indices noted during the previous year.
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