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Germany is programming the end of the bonus for electric vehicles

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CO2 bonuses in Germany

Across the Rhine, the bonus does not work in the same way as in France.It consists on a "manufacturer share" and on the one hand federal.For an electric vehicle of less than € 40,000, the combination of the 2 allows the customer to benefit from a discount of € 9,000: € 3,000 from the manufacturer, € 6,000 in the state.And unlike France, Germany always gives the right to generous aid for rechargeable hybrids, which can go up to € 6750 for vehicles of less than € 40,000.The amounts become less significant when the catalog price is between 40,000 and € 65,000: € 7,500 for electricity, and € 5,625 for hybrids.

In France, remember that there is no exit schedule of CO2 bonuses at present.The government simply decided to plane it in 2022 to go from 6000 to 5000 € on July 1.

Publié le25/11/2021 Mis à jour le25/11/2021 Matthieu Ganna Assurer un modèle Notez cet article 4.6/5 (11 votes)

L’Allemagne programme la fin du bonus pour les véhicules électriques

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