GRISE CARD - Finally actions against deceptive registration sites - News - UFC -Que Choisir
© Michel Gaillard/Rea
Finally actions against deceived registration sites
Publié le :14/12/2021 Partager sur FacebookPartager sur Twitter>The abuses of certain websites dedicated to the registration of vehicles led us to challenge the Minister of the Interior at the start of the year.The UFC-Que Choisir has been heard and concrete measures will soon come into force.
The UFC-Que Choisir officially denounced at the start of the year the excesses of certain websites dedicated to the registration of vehicles by sending a letter to the Minister of the Interior.The latter took into account our requests and its chief of staff, Pierre de Bousquet, confirmed in a letter having implemented actions aimed at correcting these abuses.
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Professionals put in notice
Concernant l’utilisation de logos, chartes graphiques et termes visant à laisser penser qu’il s’agit de sites officiels, Pierre de Bousquet indique que ces pratiques « détournant les emblèmes régaliens sont contraires aux dispositions du Code pénal et de la loi du 18 mars 1918 réglementant la fabrication et la vente des sceaux, timbres et cachets officiels ».To this end, an instruction was sent to the prefectures at the end of July in order to recall the legal framework and to put in notice the authorized professionals using these processes.And this, whether on online sites or in a physical reception point.Otherwise, procedures for suspending or withdrawing the authorities concerned will be initiated.
Pierre de Bousquet indicates that actions have been undertaken by the National Agency for Secure Titles (ANTS) to improve its SEO on search engines and fight against sites unduly using the term "ants", in order to limit confusion and betterDirect users to the official administration website (www.ants.gouv.Fr).
Service companies soon to be excluded
The UFC-Que Choisir also stressed that several companies exclusively "service provision", without being automotive professionals, have however been admitted to the vehicle registration system (SIV).To this, the government replied that specifications "automobile and registration professionals" is being finalized.It will better supervise the delivery and monitoring of authorization conventions.This document, drawn up in connection with professional automotive organizations, the Ministry of Transport and the General Directorate of Competition, Consumption and the Repression of Frauds (DGCCRF) will specify all the regulatory conditions which will now have tobe respected by candidates for authorization.In fact, the simple service providers will be excluded from it.Finally, the last point that we report, the specifications also includes measures to strengthen the protection of personal data contained in the registration files.
The UFC-Que Choisir is pleased to have been heard and is delighted with the right consideration of all the dysfunction points reported, which should finally make it possible to limit the abuses and to better inform the consumer on a problem denounced in 2017.
Yves Martin
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