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What delay to have a gray card redone?-

The registration card or registration certificate is an essential document to be able to circulate with a vehicle.If it is not up to date, there is a delay to carry out the necessary steps under penalty of fine.

When you buy a new or used vehicle from a professional, the latter takes care of the papers for you, for certain costs.But, when this purchase (used) is made between individuals, it is up to you to make the change of owner on the gray card.You then have 30 days for this.During this period of time, the old gray card made of the mention "sold the", dated and signed by the former owner will be proof in the event of control.

However, there are many other situations in which an update of the registration certificate is necessary.This is the case, for example, of a move.Any change of address of the gray card holder leads to an obligation to report it to the administration.There too, you have a period of one month to notify the state of the change of address.Proof of the new home is necessary.At the end of the procedure, you will receive a free label to affix on the certificate.

Finally, that is if your vehicle has registration in the new SIV system.If your car is still in the old registration system called FNI (1234 AA 00), then any change of address training a passage in the new SIV system (AB 123 CD) and therefore a new gray card.

All these steps can be taken directly from the ANTS.However, you can quickly be lost in the face of the procedure and the requested documents.Do not panic, there are professionals authorized to make their gray card on the internet.To be sure not to be mistaken, to check the enabling and pleasure number in the first place.

What remedies if a gray card request does not help?

Quel délai pour faire refaire une carte grise ? -

You will need to apply for duplicate in the event of loss or theft of the certificate.This duplicate request must be made as soon as the loss or theft.You need a good form in the right declaration with the police.This will serve you as proof in the event of control.But, it is not valid again only 30 days.After this period, if the duplicate has not reached you, you will have to go through a provisional registration or CPI certificate.The latter must reach you in 24 hours and will allow you to circulate legally.

Moreover, the new certificate generally takes a few working days to reach you by La Poste after acceptance of your file.But, it can happen that the latter puts more time following the need for an in -depth study by an agent from the Interior Ministry.The delay is then longer.Again, by going through a helping service for obtaining the gray card, you discharge the procedures for monitoring your request.Likewise in case, no delay, but downright refusal.These services can make disputes or requests for graceful appeal.Serenity for those who, many, fear getting lost in the jungle of the French administration.

Deadline, what risk?

En cas de retard dans le changement de carte grise, vous risquez une amende de 4e classe soit 135 € d’amende forfaitaire.This drops to 90 euros in the event of fast payment (fine minor).But, this can increase to 375 € fine increased in the event of late payment.In addition, in the event of "very long" surpassing or in the event of a second control without a gray card in compliance, you risk as soon as the vehicle is immobilization and the entry of the vehicle.

As for the seller of a vehicle, he too has an obligation to report this sale to the administration.He has 15 days to carry out online procedures.The day of the sale, you must fill out the CERFA 15776 form, have it signed by the buyer and sign it yourself, all in double copy.

Advice for the seller: to include the date, but also the precise time of the transaction.Indeed, if the buyer commits an offense with the vehicle sold, it is the seller who will be the subject of sanctions (fine and points), unless he can prove that the sale had already taken place.

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