Île-de-France: the premium for the purchase of an extended electric bike in 2022
It was a boost from the Île-de-France region to help the Ile-de-France women who would like to equip themselves with an electric bike.The purchase premium - capped at 500 euros - will be extended in 2022, confirms this Monday IDFM.
Launched in February 2020, this financial aid concerns all electric bikes purchased since December 2019.Thanks to this boost, the Ile -de -France who have just equipped themselves can be reimbursed up to 500 euros.
More than 132.000 beneficiaries
In fact, this premium will amount to 50 % of the total price of the invoice, within the maximum limit of 500 euros for a VAE and 600 euros for a Cargo bike.For example, a bike paid 899 euros will therefore not be reimbursed more than 449.5 euros.However, it cannot be combined with other aids, such as that of the City of Paris for example.
Since its launch, "up to 132.000 people have benefited, ”said Ile-de-France Mobilités (IDFM) this Monday, December 13.A real success therefore, arrived at the very point at the very beginning of the health crisis, which now responds to a real request: that of some Ile -de -France residents who prefer to use so -called "soft" mobility than the car or public transport.
Sur le même sujetvélo électriqueIle-de-France : comment se faire rembourser 500 euros après l'achat d'un vélo électrique ?Note, however, that only new electrical assistance bikes (no occasion) - also called "VAE" - as well as electric assistance cargo bikes are affected by this offer.Certain safety accessories (basket, helmet and anti -theft) may also be included in the price, if the latter are presented on the same invoice as the bike.
And to be reimbursed, just create an account on the Ile-de-France Mobilités site and file an online request, with all the documents required.According to IDFM, the reimbursement comes on average 45 days after the request, sometimes more according to the applicants.
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