New on the Ants website: find out what changes administrative procedures The ANTS site: what are the news? So concretely, what changes in this new version of the site?This new portal allows you to carry out and follow your cleansing ... 09/01/2023 1386 Views READ MORE
Apartment composter: when my earthworms recycle my waste If the idea of hosting a colony of earthworms in your apartment puts you off, rest assured: nothing could be more normal! But by agreeing to test this 100% green solution to reduce your em... 08/01/2023 1375 Views READ MORE
"Free zone": restaurateurs show their refusal to control the sanitary pass For this restaurateur from a town in eastern France, it was out of the question to control his own customers: he is “not their mother”. With or without a sanitary pass, therefore, everyone continues to be... 07/01/2023 1508 Views READ MORE
“I bought theater tickets on the internet. Can I retract and ask to be reimbursed?‘‘ Valérie G. By Renaud Bernard Posted, UpdatedNo. When you buy a product on the internet, you have 14 days to withdraw without justifying yourself (1). But, this rule does not apply for the purchase... 06/01/2023 1467 Views READ MORE
Whistleblowers: Towards a more protective status in France? Chance of the calendar or not, a week after the hearing before the French deputies of the whistleblower Frances Haugen, who unveiled internal documents accusing Facebook of passing "... 05/01/2023 1426 Views READ MORE
Buying real estate: what are the obligations to respect? What the law says ? What are the conditions precedent? What happens if we don't respect them? Our expert, Maître Ganaëlle Soussens, answers us in this first part of a series devoted to real estate. Ac... 04/01/2023 1407 Views READ MORE
The purchase of his land canceled by justice, a man expelled from his own house By Maxime Davoust Published onLes Nouvelles de SabléSee my news “Expelled and victim of the conflict of two ex-spouses, I have suffered for three years the consequences of the separation of this couple, the sale... 03/01/2023 1409 Views READ MORE
Your childcare equipment for the arrival of Baby Do you feel (a little) lost in the childcare department? Our Birth Special buying guide is made for you. Discover all the essential equipment for Baby's first months.The equipment for... 02/01/2023 1320 Views READ MORE
What is the most efficient generator model? Le Parisien Le Guide, Maison et Jardin, DIY and Garden Title Source of emergency current, the generator allows you to keep a high level of comfort within the house during the necks ... 01/01/2023 1408 Views READ MORE
Real estate: What are the advantages of a term sale? Very often, the purchase of real estate requires obtaining a mortgage.The very low rates currently charged are attractive.However, banks tend to be ... 31/12/2022 1476 Views READ MORE
People A buyer disputes in George Clooney his property acquired in Provence Case n ° 1: You (or another person) use more than $ this.view.authrespons.devicelimit appliances and/or browsers at the same time → Disconnect the devices and/or browsers that you use ... 30/12/2022 1538 Views READ MORE
Car leasing: an interesting alternative to buying a new vehicle Even before the surge in fuel prices, many individuals and companies had already opted to purchase a leased vehicle to save money. The Autodiscount agent, fo... 29/12/2022 1270 Views READ MORE
VEFA: what is the difference between buying a new apartment and a house? For new homes, we will rather talk about CCMIC. This is the first notable difference: the basic sales contract is actually not really the same. Even if we can use the acronym VEFA p... 28/12/2022 1430 Views READ MORE
Another experience of transition management with human & digital [PARTNER CONTENT] The interim management market arrived in France in the 2000s to meet a need for agility in managerial functions in companies.... 27/12/2022 1311 Views READ MORE
Second home: Why mobilize your real estate assets to make a project a reality? To buy a second home or make a real estate investment, there is a less known solution: the mortgage loan. It is an effective financing lever. PraxiFinance e... 26/12/2022 1467 Views READ MORE