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Real estate, an obligatory passage, how to earn money without working - invest in Echos Stock Exchange

All the wealth management advisers that we interviewed mention, without exception, real estate as a compulsory passage to experience its annuities.They insist on a specific point: the lever effect of credit."If we are on a constitution of heritage, you have to go into debt and keep your liquid," explains Yves Gambart de Lignières.It is, of course, first of all to take advantage of low interest rates: new credits to housing, all durations combined, concluded in June at 1.26 %, according to the bank ofFrance.Remember to keep an emergency envelope: white operations (without leaving money from your pocket) are rare and perilous.In addition to the lever effect it provides, credit makes it possible to reduce the tax bill - which can be salty - for real estate.Because rents are subject to income tax, to which must be added social security contributions (17.2 %), while other capital income is subject to PFU at 30 % (single flat -rate levy, which includes contributionssocial).However, aspiring rentiers are often in a 30 % or superior tranche, which potentially gives total taxation of 47.2 % or more.

Flat -rate reduction

However, credit interests and costs can be deducted from income, whether with a rental investment or with a SCPI (Civil Company of Real Estate Placement).Note that for property income below 15.000 €, it is possible to opt instead, with or without borrowing, for a generous lump sum reduction of 30 % (which also plays on social security contributions).Be careful, however, for those looking for a capital gain in the short or medium term: "It seems, at this stage, perilous to make quantified forecasts on the future impact [of COVID-19] on the prices of housing housing"Indicated the National Federation of Real Estate (FNAIM) in the Echos of August 3.The Federation also specified that, in previous crises in the past thirty years, the decline has been able to reach up to 7 %.What to encourage even more to choose the location of the property with care.

Diversify with SCPIs

The SCPIs will probably not be spared, in particular those in shops and offices, the most concerned with confinement, and by the development of telework.But they offer the advantage of diversification: “I have a customer who had 200.000 € to place, says Yves Gambart de Lignières.His bank offered to invest in a residence for seniors, why not?Except that he would then have bet on a single good, while with a SCPI he will distribute the risk over 400 to 500 tenants and dozens of goods.They are regularly accused of displaying high costs: they can, in fact, exceed 10 % (on subscription and management, costs also often apply to the transfer)."SCPI fees are very significant, recognizes Yves Gambart de Lignières.After, if you make an acquisition of a good that you leave in management, between the costs of notary and agency, it is not very different.»Household a SCPI in life insurance is also an interesting tax option (read p.18) For anyone who wishes to embark on the adventure.But it will not be possible to take advantage of the advantageous conditions of a mortgage to buy shares.

L'immobilier, un passage obligé, Comment gagner de l'argent sans travailler - Investir-Les Echos Bourse

Estelle Billi, heritage engineer at Advenis, advises, for his part, the European SCPIs, "in Spain and Portugal, where there are great opportunities", and more particularly in Germany.The reason is simple: "Under a tax agreement with France, the objective of which is to avoid double taxation, German income benefits from a tax credit" (equal to the average French tax rateapplied to this income).Indeed, the rents of the German SCPI will have already been subject to corporate tax in Germany (15.825 %).In addition, French social security contributions do not apply.According to Patrimea, for a taxpayer subject to a 30 %marginal tranche, with a gross income of € 100, a German SCPI will issue in net tax 67.61 €, while a French SCPI will only offer € 52.80.

An illustration that does not take into account the particular situation of the taxpayer - so it is not a universal example.What applies to any aspiring annuitant is, however, to know how to rely on the stone, whatever way.

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