Revolution Â: Lithuanian IBAN waiting for French IBA ·Global Voices
Le Brexit contraint Revolut, qui exerce sous passeport britannique, à opérer avec une licence bancaire dun autre pays membre de lUnion européenne. La banque mobile a prévenu ses clients de la transformation de leurs coordonnées bancaires en IBAN lituanien. En attendant la création prochaine dune « filiale française ».
You're a Revolut customer? Did you receive an email entitled "important information about your passage under our European licence"? It is advisable to read them. This is a message addressed to all French customers of mobile banking, warning them of the modification of their IBAN, and inviting them to consult the new terms and conditions, the frequently asked questions (FAQ) concerning this migration...
What is to be learned from this announcement? The Brexit transition period is coming to an end on 31 December 2020. That is why this bank, historically licensed in the UK-the "GB" of your International Banking Identifier (IBAN)-will use its Lithuanian license. Your IBAN will now start with "LT". An automatic transfer, for all customers, who will be notified by email as they transfer: "all our customers will receive the details of their new account by the end of December," Revolut explains in his message.
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Bad news, as Revolut admits on his blog: "unfortunately, Revolution cannot inform counterparties on your behalf. It is up to you to inform your employer if your salary is being paid to this account, or any emitters of direct debits (electricity bill, taxes, telephone subscription, etc.), once you have received the email warning you that the migration has been made on your account.
Bientôt un IBAN en « FR »
A binding procedure, and a migration to a Lithuanian IBAN, which could cause some customers to abandon their revolution account? "No," Emmanuel Boulade, France s communication manager, "No, no, no. Quality of service will not be affected by this change and the purpose of this migration is to allow our customers to continue to use Revolution services with as little disruption as possible after December 31st, and to ensure that they are not affected by Brexit. "
Frais bancaires : jusqu'à 259 € d'économies grâce à notre comparateurRevolution takes advantage of this message to all French customers to announce good news: "we have filed an application to create a French subsidiary of our European entity and the process is under way. Once this subsidiary is opened, you will be able to have a local French IBAN starting with "FR". The timetable for this second migration, to an IBAN in FR, remains to be specified: "we will communicate to our French customers on the subject at a later date. "
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