Taxes 2021 - All COVID exemptions from which you can benefit - News - UFC -Que Choisir
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All COVID exemptions from which you can benefit
Publié le :09/04/2021 Partager sur FacebookPartager sur Twitter>À année exceptionnelle, mesures et fiscalité exceptionnelles. Tour d’horizon des exonérations à contrôler dans votre déclaration de revenus préremplie, ainsi que de celles à y faire figurer selon votre situation.The health crisis prompted the government to multiply tax measures in 2020.These decisions are reflected today on the declaration of income that you are about to fill out or validate.
Exempt teleworking fees
For many employees, 2020 has rhymed with telework.With the end of the day, an additional cost that was able to approach 200 € per month for certain teleworkers, according to the firm.The Ministry of the Economy has thus taken specific measures to exempt these tax costs.
First case: your employer has paid you a package, in the form of allowances or reimbursements.In this case, the exemption is possible up to € 550 in 2020.
Second case: the total amount of your professional expenses (telework, trips, meals, etc.) is greater than the flat -rate reduction of 10 % applied to wages.You can opt for the deduction of these costs for their real amount if this is more favorable to you, especially in the event of major expenses (office, armchair, laptop, etc.).
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The donation ceiling to certain associations noted
To support associations providing their help to the most fragile French hit hard by the crisis, the government noted in 2020 the tax advantage linked to donations granted to assistance organizations in difficulty or victims of domestic violence.
Concretely, while the ceiling giving the right to a tax reduction of 75 % of the amount of the donation was € 552 in 2019, it was recorded at € 1,000 in 2020.The classic 66 % reduction applies beyond (donation up to a limit of 20 % of taxable income).
For example, if you gave last year € 1,500 to the restaurants of the heart, the Red Cross or Action against Hunger, you are entitled to a tax reduction of € 1,080 (75 % of 1,000+ 66 % of 500) in 2020.
To note.This € 1,000 ceiling has been renewed in 2021 and can therefore be used to reduce the amount of your 2022 tax on your income from this year.
Hours sup ’tax exempt
Overtime (or complementary, for partial times) performed in 2020 will not bear any tax in two limits, which depend on the period during which they were carried out:
These overtime and complementary hours appear in your Prérémplie 2020 income declaration.Please note: if you have several employers, you cannot apply the ceilings several times;The affected surplus must be declared with your wages and will be subject to taxation.
COVID Tax bonuses
In the public service as in private companies, the premiums that have been granted to employees mobilized since the start of the health crisis are completely exempt from tax.Granted under conditions, they rise to:
As for self -employed workers, the aid granted by the State (via the Solidarity Fund or the Social Protection Council of self -employed workers) to compensate for the loss of turnover suffered due to the crisis will not be subject to the'tax, regardless of the amount received.
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