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Le Mené.At the Lumbricole farm, worms have a big appetite

In France, Lombric Farms, specialized in farming Lumbrics, are rare: there are no more than sixty.Anaïs Provost and Romain Fumoleau opened their farm two years ago and show it to the public this summer."This year, we have built a chalet, it's much more practical to welcome visitors.Here, we displayed the anatomical boards of the Lombrics with their four pairs of hearts, ”explains the passionate young woman.

The two training chemists had the idea of this professional orientation when Romain discovered Lumber culture during an environmental license course.Together, they have developed a process to extract the nutritional part of the Lombricept and transform the liquid liquid fertilizing 100 % natural.

15 to 20 tonnes of manure per year

In greenhouses, lumbrics degrade 15 to 20 tonnes of manure per year.By digesting, they make the famous "brown gold in the garden", small fine and odorless grains which are used in any season in amendment on any type of plants, inside and out."The Lombricept is the ideal Allier of all gardeners.There is no risk of overdose and burning, unlike other products, "says Romain.

Le Mené. À la ferme lombricole, les vers ont un gros appétit

Outside are composters where lumbrics also do their digestion work."We recycle the waste from the restaurants of Collinée and Gouray, in particular vegetable peelings, certain remains and paper towels.Thus, 1 to 2 tonnes of restaurant waste also finish in Lombricept.Anaïs and Romain are in the process of developing an individual low backroot so that individuals can also compost their waste at home with their little lumbrics.

Until September 26, Wednesday from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. and Saturday from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., under the Douets, Le Gouray, Tel.06 42 16 30 55.

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